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Self-Directed Employment

Theresa Employment, Topics

People who need support often spend their days in work centers or day services.  These days, more and more people are getting jobs or starting businesses in their own communities.  Many are doing this with self-directed support.

Having a job is not just about the money.  Self-directed employment means that people who need support have the opportunity to discover their strengths and interests, determine their employment goals, and choose the supports that make the most sense to achieve those goals.

Too often a person’s employment choices have been limited by what is most readily available or offered by service providers.   Getting great employment outcomes takes creativity, teamwork, flexibility and individualization.  Even people with the most complex disabilities can generate income.

InControl Wisconsin works with Pathways to Independence, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Family Care, the IRIS program, and the Board for People with Developmental Disabilities to develop training, strategies, and resources that encourage people to pursue integrated employment and put them in control of their vocational future.

We will be posting self-directed employment resources throughout the summer.   For questions, contact Shannon Munn-Huff or Nancy Molfenter