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Self-Determination for Youth

InControl Wisconsin Topics, Youth

InControl Wisconsin is committed to advancing changes that support people to self-direct at any age.  We believe the skills needed to self-advocate or to advocate for loved ones are best developed as early as possible.

girls working on computers

InControl Wisconsin offers two areas of support:

For Youth and Families

Youth and their families are natural leaders in self-determination.  InControl Wisconsin works to empower them with the concepts of full inclusion and citizenship, as they learn to navigate complicated service systems and work to increase the options that youth are offered.  We provide training, information and useful tools for families and youth to explore and learn the concepts of self-determination and self-directed support so that they are prepared for life after high school.

For Schools

Schools provide some of the first community experiences for most children.  Schools also play a crucial role in preparing youth for the adult world.  Unfortunately, there is a gap between the experience many students with disabilities have in school and the opportunities available to them through a self-directed adulthood.  In Control Wisconsin is working with schools to explore strategies in community inclusion that benefit all students.

It is our belief that students with and without disabilities are better prepared to have relationships with each other based on the experience they have with inclusion while in school.  We also believe these relationships offer natural supports for people with disabilities and the foundation for an authentic community.  Some of the tools and strategies we recommend for thoughtful community inclusion include asset-based community development, self-advocacy and family networks.

In the coming months, we will be posting information and tools for youth, families and special educators. For more information, contact Naomi Silver